Call for SOSORT 2025 Abstracts
Submissions Open: October 7, 2024
The International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) invites you to submit an abstract to the SOSORT 2025 World Congress and share your work on the conservative treatment of scoliosis and other structural spine changes with colleagues from around the world. SOSORT seeks abstracts on the following topics related to Scoliosis and other Structural Spinal Disorders. In order to increase the scientific quality of the meeting, a list of key content (attached in the end of this document) for abstracts has been prepared by the Scientific Committee. Abstract submitters are strongly encouraged to consult the list and make sure abstracts align with the key metrics provided.
More Details:
You might consider referring to the following general references for help writing your abstract:
Submission Eligibility and Information
The SOSORT Board and Scientific Committee are committed to improving the science and professional growth of our members. This year again, we will offer pre-submission mentoring to SOSORT members on a first-come, first-served basis. Mentoring could be as simple as pre-submission feedback on a draft abstract you intend to submit.
If you have never submitted an abstract, or have not had one accepted in the past, if you are new to research, or wish to receive input on writing clearly in English, please consider this opportunity.
If you are interested in working with a member of the Scientific Committee to develop or polish your abstract prior to submission, please email as soon as possible.
Please note: Receiving abstract mentoring does NOT guarantee that your abstract will be accepted, but we do hope that we can improve your abstract writing skills and future success in research.
List of Key Metrics for Abstracts Developed by the SOSORT Scientific Committee
Beside specific metrics on each topic, consult the following important documents:
SOSORT 2016 guidelines: To understand the main topics of SOSORT and what type of research that is of interest for the society.
2014 SOSORT-SRS non-op committee Research Guidelines: Consult for reporting methods and outcomes.
For all studies, the following will be encouraged and specifically analyzed by reviewers:
For exercise studies, the following will be encouraged and specifically examined by reviewers:
For brace studies, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:
For studies on imaging/diagnostic tools, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:
For studies on HRQOL/PROMs, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:
For studies on pre/postoperative care, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:
For studies on telehealth/technology/digital health/apps, the following will be encouraged and specifically observed by reviewers:
For qualitative studies, a clear description on objective, sampling method, sample characteristics, sample size, data collection (interview or focus groups), assessors/facilitators experiences. Thorough description of coding, saturation, determination, validation methods and theoretical framework. Quotes and themes should be included.
* all sponsors should contact
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